Stop! Business reflection is important as well as personal. Use this tool before your weekly staff meetings. This is also a good time to incorporate your in-touch moment. It gives you structure while you evaluate the steps you have made over the last day, week, month and year can be included into your reflection time. It is a time to surrender and let go in order to regroup and adjust your actions, behavior and or mindset for the new. “On with the new” Renewed plan.

If you feel that I really don’t have much time to add this to my to-do list right now. Then....

It is time for self-reflection: When you think about your connection with your past experiences and your current situation…What comes to mind? Are your action, values, and thoughts in aliment with who you are having a place you have made.

Recalling your past also means to uncover certain painful and uncomfortable situations that you hopefully have moved past. However, if the thought of pondering and reflecting on the past year, seem uneasy and uncomfortable you can move less uneasy situations. On the other hand, we get a wonderful opportunity to uncover and set the bar higher for the remaining outcome of the year. For some, we’re Already Being busy and filled with self-expectations, rules and learned values that we let time slip by us to reflect and give ourselves credit for the many accomplishments we actually do daily. Self-reflections are easy to do when you set a schedule to ‘get it done.

Reminder: reward yourself for accomplishment …compliment yourself for taking the time out to reflect and regroup your progress and what’s next or what you will continue to work towards accomplishing. Say thank you and write yourself a thank you note and put it in a decorative jar.

Am I living up to my core values and personal mission?

Am I using my talents fully?

Am I performing at my peak capacity?

Am I on the path to my preferred future

About the Author

Ms Ella is on a mission to help people discover their purpose and live out a fulfilling life while on Earth. You can contact her by clicking here for bookings and inquiries.

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