MsEllaInspires Blog

"Power In Your Purpose"

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MsEllaInspires with Legacy Keepers

It was a pleasure working with Legacy Keepers! We did some vision boards for the company as well as team building exercises. I had so much fun. 

Founded by Tamara Irwin, Legacy Keepers Inc. is a non-profit organization that was started in 2004 with a vision of creating social, educational, and economic achievement opportunities by leveraging and remembering the legacy of the African- American experience — a legacy of achievement, perseverance, courage, and faith. You can learn more about them on their website here.

If you would like to have a corporate vision board session or team building workshops, contact me here.

Take care!
About the Author

Ms Ella is on a mission to help people discover their purpose and live out a fulfilling life while on Earth. You can contact her by clicking here for bookings and inquiries.

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