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"Power In Your Purpose"

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Passion and Career

In a day and age when people are determined to be "Happy", whatever that really means, your career is one of the most important parts of your life that needs "Happy Attention".  HA! 
We've heard the expression that a lot of great ideas, goals, and progress goes to the graveyard. That is not what you came to Earth to do. Take greatness back to where you come from? No.
You came to express that greatness. To explore the world with that greatness wand that only you have. It's only you that has that particular wand. 

USE IT! Express yourself in the career path that makes you go HA! It is the desire of MsEllaInspires to help you find and use that HA! You can do this by defining your purpose. 
While in that purpose which = career = happiness= peace=joy etc, a, you will live a life of abundance according to your happiness and have a clear pathway into the future. 
I am reminded of a life quote that says., "It is a beautiful thing when a career and a passion come together".

Now imagine going into to your place of work and actually feeling fantastic! Smiling and laughing. It's an infectious state of mind. That will be the best infection anyone can carry around with thwm. 
As a matter of fact, infect everyone. LOL

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Power In Your Purpose!

About the Author

Kephra Amen is a freelance author, Motivator, and believer in the Law of Maat. He inspires everyone to Love one another.