MsEllaInspires Blog

"Power In Your Purpose"

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Two Rules about your Purpose

Greetings. Thank you for being a part of my journey to provide information on everything about PURPOSE. I want to share with you why Purpose is so connected to my life calling. I have known for many years that I needed to develop my own purpose so I could help others to feel fulfilled in what they wake up to do each day.

For me, ‘Purpose’ is something you just cannot live without and you will yearn for it like a new found lover. Many times I have yearned for it to come out so I could live freely with my purpose. 
But something always held me back: uncertainty, low confidence, not good enough, and no time available. 
Have you ever felt that way?

Okay, so a life purpose is something that you give your life for. It’s the thing that you are willing to die for because you believe in it so much. It’s the thing that gets you up in the morning, and keeps you going when times are tough.

But where does our purpose come from? Well there are two schools of thought on this. Either our purpose is something that we are born with, or it is something that we choose.

Which group do you belong in? Choice? Or Destiny?

1)            Those who believe that a life purposes is something that we are born with, that it is planted in our soul’s before we are born and we must embody or achieve it. It’s our embedded destiny, so to speak, and we have no choice in the matter.

2)            Those who believe that fate and destiny don’t exist and we have the power or free will to choose our life purpose and do what we choose with our lives.

what is my purpose










If you find yourself wondering what you should be doing with your life, take steps to figure out what makes you come alive. By living your passion and following your dreams, you can experience true happiness and fulfillment in your life. The power of choice is the greatest gift we can ever give ourselves. In this life, we have one pre-determined destiny, and then infinite ways to live out that purpose. No matter what happens in our lives, we always have a choice as to how to react.

On the contrary, if we don’t have joy in our lives we have nothing. Joy is the essence of life and without it, there is no life. Here are ways to bring more joy into your life:

1. Make time for yourself.

2. Get away from it all.

3. Practice gratitude by counting your blessings every day.

4. Do things that make you smile?

5. Reach out to other people and give them a hand.

6. Look around you and see the beauty in nature and life itself

About MsEllaInspires. She is Life Purpose coach also known as the “Purpose Pusher.” For info see Bio.

About the Author

Ms Ella is on a mission to help people discover their purpose and live out a fulfilling life while on Earth. You can contact her by clicking here for bookings and inquiries.

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